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The Health Benefits of: MULBERRIES

MULBERRIES are well known to Chinese Herbalism- almost every part of the Mulberry tree, Morus, is used medicinally. The fruit is used for its ability to nourish the body’s ‘yin’- this means that mulberries are a cooling and moistening snack that would be wonderful for some with with dry eyes, lips, or mouth. Mulberries are, as are many berries, high in antioxidants. Antioxidants help protect the cells of the body from damage. Mulberries are particularly high in the antioxidants like anthocyanins which are said to are said to protect the heart, cyanidin, rutin which protects against cancer & chronic illness, and myrecitin. Mulberries are also implicated in the prevention of fatty liver disease. Their extract is said to reduce the formation of fatty acids in the liver, while also helping reduce the fat that is already there. Being high in fiber, Mulberries also aid cardiovascular health secondarily by helping to remove unwanted cholesterol from the body through the intestines.

1 cup of mulberries contains 60 calories, 2.4 g of fiber, 11g of sugar, and small amounts of mono & polyunsaturated fats. Mulberries, especially dried, are particularly high in protein when compared with other berries. They are high in Vitamin C, Iron, Phylloquinone vitamin K1), Potassium, and vitamin E. Because of their high fiber content they are good for helping control blood sugar.

Mulberries are best eaten fresh from the tree, or purchased dried. They can’t be found fresh at the grocery store as they are too delicate to survive the packaging and processing. Adding mulberries to your diet is a great idea, especially if you suffer from dryness, high cholesterol, fatty liver disease, and any chronic condition where there is

inflammation. Sweet and cool mulberries can be harvested between June and August in

New York State.

~Ronda Darby


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